Herbal Medicines Prescription for Kista
Cyst is a benign tumor in the form of an abnormal pouch containing liquid or semi-liquid that grow on the ovaries. Cysts are usually not cancerous. Despite its small size, more attention is needed to ensure that non-cancerous cysts.
Cysts are generally caused by impaired formation of hormones of the hypothalamus, pituitary and ovary itself. In most cases, small cysts show no symptoms or pain, unless broken or terpintir. If it is large, cyst can cause pelvic pain, pain during menstruation or after menstruation, pain during intercourse or abnormal uterine bleeding.
Patients should abstain to not eat fish either freshwater or seawater fish, shrimps, crabs, anchovies. Do not eat cabbage, jackfruit, spicy foods, fatty foods. Also avoid drinking tea and coffee is too thick, and drinking alcoholic beverages should also be avoided.
The mind must be calm, emotions must be controlled, should not be stressful, sad and avoid angry. Stomach should not be massaged and avoid heavy work.
Herbal remedies for cysts that can be used to select the recipe as berkut;
Prescription Drugs Herbal Kista 1
Leaves and stems parasite tea / orange parasite ...... 1 Handheld
Fresh bitter leaf .................................... 11 sheets
Arab Jadam of small marbles ................. 1 seed
White meeting of ......................................... 3 fingers.
How to mix:
White meeting peeled and thinly sliced. Boil together the other ingredients with the remaining 5 cups of water to about 3 cups of water. Remove and strain before drinking.
How to use:
Drink the potion after eating three times a day, each ½ cup
Prescription Drugs Herbal Kista 2
God of fresh leaves .................. 30 gr
Fresh white meeting ................... 30 gr
Dry bitter .................... 11 gr
How to mix:
Rinse leaves of the gods and ginger and white, then cut thinly. Boil all ingredients with 3 cups of water until the remaining approximately half. Remove and strain.
How to use:
Drink the potion with a dose 3 times a day, each ½ cup.
Prescription Drugs Herbal Kista 3
Dry Fruit crown god ......... 5 gr
Pearl grass .......................... 30 gr
How to mix:
Rinse all ingredients, boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining half. Remove and strain before drinking.
How to use:
Herb drink 3 times a day, each ½ cup.
Select one of the above recipe and do regularly.
Admin itself never prescribe No. 1 on a woman who was diagnosed with a cyst and cyst turned out to be missing.
"Wily has been more than four years since miscarried the first pregnancy has not been blessed with children as well. When we exchange ideas, then I encourage you to consult with a gynecologist to determine the condition of their reproductive health.
Berasarkan supported by a doctor's examination and ultrasound examination it turns out there is a cyst dirahimnya. That's what causes obstruction of Wily tidakbisa pregnant.
After making sure there was indeed a cyst in her womb, then the admin provides traditional medicine prescription cyst No. 1. After 4 weeks of taking the herb, Wily back to see a doctor. Daan magical kistanya hardly tedeteksi by ultrasound. His own doctor to wonder why the cysts can disappear as soon as he said it. "
Of course, the story is not as simple as that, by running all of abstinence with prayers of all parties, and the willingness and confidence plus a strong motivation to recover, Alhamdulillah kistanya be lost. And Wily himself now blessed with a daughter.
This information is the 'house of traditional medicine' could be for this time, may benefit.
Thank you for:
TRUBUS 389 / April / 2002 Rubric ObatTradisional
Complete Herbal concoction works TaklukanPenyakit Prof.H.M. Hembing Wijaya Kusuma
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