There are 3 herbs to cope with abdominal pain.
Remedy 1
Image results for key retrieval
Ingredients: 3/4 tablespoons granulated sugar, 3 drops of eucalyptus oil.
Making way: sugar drops of eucalyptus oil, then mixed.
How to use: the mixture is eaten accompanied by sweet tea.
potions 2
Ingredients: Seeds Kedaung taste
Making way: Seeds Kedaung roasted, then ground up into a fine powder.
How to use: 2x daily drink 2 teaspoons of powder.
Remedy 3
Ingredients: 5 key meeting bulbs, 2 cups water, and palm sugar.
Making way: key retrieval peeled and cleaned. Then the concoction is boiled to obtain 1 cup.
How to use: 2x daily 1 drink concoctions. The morning before the meal and at night before bed.
For adults, in addition to be given oral medication, can also be given tapel of a mixture of lemon juice + + whiting little eucalyptus oil to taste, then make a dough like mush and dilumurkan to the stomach.
Thus, the information can be admin for. Hopefully useful: D
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